Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Useful day-to-day Celerra commands

Command:1 Create file system
/nas/bin/nas_fs -name fs1 -type uxfs -create size= pool= -auto_extend yes -max_size -vp yes -option slice=y,mover=server_2
Command:2 Create Mount Point
/nas/bin/server_mountpoint server_2 -create /fs1
Command:3 Mount File System
/nas/bin/server_mount server_2 fs1 /fs1
Command:4 Enable Unicode for CIFS Compatibility
/nas/sbin/uc_config -on -mover server_2
Command:5 Start CIFS protocol
/nas/bin/server_setup server_2 -Protocol cifs -option start
Command:6 Create CIFS IP Interface
/nas/bin/server_ifconfig server_2 -create -Device -name CIFS -protocol IP
Command:7 Start CIFS IP Interface
/nas/bin/server_ifconfig server_2 CIFS upns-120
Command:8 Add CIFS Server to serve UNC paths
/nas/bin/server_cifs server_2 -add compname=,domain=,netbios=,interface=CIFS,local_users
Command:9 Export CIFS shares for usage
/nas/bin/server_export server_2 -name fs1 -option netbios= /fs1
Command:10 Create Mount point for NFS
/nas/bin/server_mountpoint server_2 -c /fs1
Command:11 Export NFS Share
/nas/bin/server_export server_2 -Protocol nfs -option root= /fs1
Command:12 Create replication interface -Source
/nas/bin/server_ifconfig server_2 -create -Device -name REPL -protocol IP
Command:13 Start replication interface -Source
/nas/bin/server_ifconfig server_2 REPL up
Command:14 Create Link between control stations for replication communications -Source
/nas/bin/nas_cel -create -ip -passphrase pass1
Command:15 Create replication interface -Destination
/nas/bin/server_ifconfig server_2 -create -Device -name REPL -protocol IP
Command:16 Start replication interface -Destination
/nas/bin/server_ifconfig server_2 REPL up
Command:17 Create Link between control stations for replication communications -Destination
/nas/bin/nas_cel -create -ip -passphrase pass1
Command:18 Create interconnect between primary and secondary control stations -Source
/nas/bin/nas_cel -interconnect -create IC__ -source_server server_2 -destination_system -destination_server server_2 -source_interfaces ip= -destination_interfaces ip=
Command:19 Create interconnect between secondary and primary control stations -Destination
/nas/bin/nas_cel -interconnect -create IC__ -source_server server_2 -destination_system -destination_server server_2 -source_interfaces ip= -destination_interfaces ip=
Command:20 Setup replication between control stations -Source
“/nas/bin/nas_replicate -create RP__ -source -fs fs1 -destination -fs fs1 -interconnect IC__ -source_interface ip= -destination_interface ip= -max_time_out_of_sync 1 -background -overwrite_destination
Command:21 Show virtual interfaces (port channels) status
server_sysconfig server_2 -virtual -info trk0_fxg
Command:22 Set vlan tagging and mtu for interface
server_ifconfig server_2 <interface name> vlan=<number> mtu=<mtu>


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