Monday 30 September 2013

Top 10 World’s Best Countries To Live In 2013

Top 10 World’s Best Countries To Live In 2013


To determine the list of best countries to live in the world we need to consider several factors. Having a strong economy doesn’t necessarily mean that all people are living a happy life. In determining the quality of life we have so many other factors to consider like safety, economy, life satisfaction, employment, crime rate, health, life expectancy and work life balance.
By considering all these facts in figures  Top 10 best countries to live in the world are summarized below.

Have a quick look at the table. For each country we have provided some really interesting facts too. Hope You will like it.
But before going through the table, if you don’t know what is “per capita GDP” we suggest you to read this.
Per Capita GDP
GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product. Often this factor is used to estimate any particular country’s economic wealth. It can be calculated in 2 ways. Either by adding every one’s income at a given point of time or by adding all goods and services produced by the country in a particular year. High number of GDP usually indicates high standard of living. So now, shall we start with our world tour?
Country  Population  Per Capita GDP ($)  Net income ($)  Avg Age(/100) Cost of Living  Economy(%)  Life Satis-faction(%)  Final Score(%)
Austria 8,219,713 9,686 27,541 81 50 71 85 83
France 65,630,692 642 27,789 81 55 69 83 82
Australia 22,015,576 60,642 26,927 82 56 71 84 82
Switzerland 7,925,17 83,073 27,756 83 41 79 82 81
German 81,305,806 44,111 27,692 80 54 71 81 81
New Zealand 4,463,655 36,874 18,601 81 62 65 83 79
Luxembourg 526,487 125,000 35,321 81 44 85 83 78
United States 313,847,465 48,442 37,708 79 56 67 83 78
Belgium 10,438,353 46,469 26,734 80 41 66 83 78
Canada 34,300,083 50,496 27,138 81 62 69 82 77

NO 1 : Best country To live in 2013 – Austria

Have you ever imagined a city where murder and other crime rates are at zero? Can there be any country which offers pollution free, corruption free quality life with a stable economic growth even at the times of recession?
If you want to live in such a country, head on to Vienna, Austria because it is the country which comes closely to offer all the above.
Before deciding on the world’s best country to live in 2013, nearly 221 cities from all over the world were analyzed in terms of all factors we already have explained. staying on top is not an easy thing.
best country to live in
Let’s find out exactly what made Vienna to stand at the top.
Although Vienna is one of the most populous cities of Austria, it takes the pride of offering a quality life since 2009.
Notable features of Vienna
  • When the economical crisis had hit the Europe, it had only gone down by 0.1%. This factor alone is more than enough to declare “Vienna is immune to crisis”. So if you are in business, of course investing in Vienna will be a beneficial one.
  • Its a historic, economic, cultural and political center of Austria.
best country to live in
  • It has secured the highest per capita GDP when compare to all other cities in the world.
  • Population is around 1.731 million. (Vienna alone).
  • Average net income of individuals is €19,769 per year (in Vienna).
  • Average age of people comes around 43.4 years.
  • In 2010 Vienna has received the urban planning award from United Nations. Reason is, people of Vienna have managed to transform its old infrastructure into modern homes in a short span of time.
  • Through multimillion dollar program Vienna has renovated nearly 5,000 buildings with more than 250,000 apartments
  • Vienna is regarded as “The city of music”and “The City of Dreams”.
  • Nearly 5 million tourists from all over the world visits Austria every year. So Vienna deserves the title “best country to live in the world”.
  • World’s number 1 place for conducting conferences.
  • In Austria 90% of people says they are satisfied with their housing and basic facilities
  • People of Austria are managed to save $28 852. This figure is higher than the OECD’s average of $23 047.
  • Best schooling systems in the country offers high class education to all its citizens.
  • When it comes to the employment, regardless of their education level employment rate of men seems higher than women.
These amazing factors drove “The mercer” (hr consulting firm) to declare Austria as the top 1 best country to live in the world for now and ever.

No2 : Best Country To Live In The World – France

  • When it comes to France, it have so many world attractions. To name a few Romantic Paris, Eiffel tower, Palais Royal, Ski Resorts and many.


best country to live in  

  • French people are well known for their lifestyle. They usually enjoy a better lifestyle than any other people in the world.

best country to live in 

  • France is set to have the highest number of Muslim population in the whole Europe.(Nearly 6 million).
  • One of the main factors which enable France to win the ranking is, it’s world class health care system. Expecting mums are treated like a treasure here.
  • Special things about France are TGV trains, beaches, Food and culture, ski resorts, Extra hospital beds. Last but not least, irrespective of all seasons it always has a very warm climate  .
  • best country to live in_tgv trains
  • It had won the title of “Best place to live in “5 times in a row.
  • As per international living magazine France is awarded with 100 points for its health care, safety & risk. It gets 92 points for its infrastructure.
  • No 3. Best Country To live In The World – Australia

    Regardless of where they live, people of Australia are so good in lending their hands whenever it is needed.

     best country to live in_australia


  • Per capita GDP, longer life expectancy and improved level of education are other factors that lifts Australia to the position of third best country in the world.
  • Although Australia is like a home town for many deadly dangerous animals like snakes and sharks, it is also being a home for not found anywhere, most interesting cute animals such as Australian dingo and Wombat. Seriously if not in Australia,where else you can see animals like kangaroos on the go along the road?

best country too live

  • Just as in the case of having such rare animals, Australia is also blessed with the uncountable numbers of nature’s gifts such as Great Barrier Reef, the pinnacles, Fraser Island and many.
best country to live in _ great reef barrier 

No 4. Best Country To Live In The World – Switzerland

  • The reason why Switzerland has been raised to one of the best countries to live in the world is “it provides quality of life, trust, safety, wealth & health to all its citizens even for those who lives in a nook corner of the country”.

best country to live in

  • It is renowned for its tranquility, safety, punctuality and reliability. This is how people of Switzerland have turned their most of the cities as a high-tech unimaginable society in a short span of time.
  • Switzerland is one of the most modern and stylish tourism offering nations in the world.  Here with 7.2 million population and many different languages, people of Switzerland enjoys the perk of differentiations in a much sportive way.

  • People of Switzerland receives many noble prices every year than any other country.

No 5. Best Country To Live In The World – Germany


  • As all we know Germany is well known for offering world class cuisines. It is one of the most ideal places for people who enjoy wine and beer with their country to live in the world 

  • As the most populous country in Europe with nearly 81 million people, each city of Germany has its own unique characteristics. Ultimately this factor makes it as one of the fascinating best countries to live in the world.
  • Standard of schooling and education in German is quite high than any other nations.
  • Germany rents even hi-fi apartments in the most expensive cities like Hamburg at some lower cost than you imagine. People of Germany are well known for  their warm & most welcoming nature.

best country to live in the world 

  • World’s most popular castle Neuschwanstein resides in Germany. When you see this I bet you will feel like it comes straight away from your child hood fairy tales.
  • Germany offers hassle free driving experience for all racers. Do you know why? In Germany most of the high way roads has no speed limit at all.

No 6. Best Country To Live In The World – New Zealand 

best country to live in the world 

  • Factors like economic freedom, employment, prosperity, lack of corruption and quality of live has raised New Zealand as one of the best countries to live in the world.
  • It is declared as the No 1 global piece offering country in the world by the United Nations.
  • New Zealand is ranked high in many of the international fields.
  • If you want to enjoy the clean air and water you should head on to New Zealand.

No 7.Best Country To Live In The World – Luxembourg 

 Luxembourg is one of the richest countries in the world.
best county to live in the world 
  • Although it is one of the smallest countries in the whole world, it has the highest per capita GDP in the world.
  • Area of Luxembourg is just 2,586.4 km2
  • For its economical freedom this tiny country has been ranked 1st in the Europe & 4th in the whole world.
best country to live in the world
  • Since Luxembourg have many beautiful places such as Vianden Castle, Butterfly Garden, Red Rock Skate Park and many, it attracts millions of tourist every year. Thus it increases per capita GDP for the nation.

No 8.Best Country To Live In The World- United States

  • It’s needless to say that United States is one of the countries which offer convenience to the core.  If it’s not United States, Nowhere on Earth you can get anything at anytime you want.  Here the anytime dictates all round the clock 24/7.
  • One of the best things which raise United States to Top 10 list is its” freedom of speech”. Yes you can criticize even the President, the Government, Other politicians, Professionals or anyone. It means people of America respects each others rights to voice the country in the world - freedom of speech 
  • Just as Australians people of America are very warm hearted. When it comes to disaster-scale events nothing can stand before the strength of Americans unity.

  • best country to live inPeople who live in United States are remarkably creative. No other countries in the world have an extra ordinary technical expertise in almost all fields as these people have.
  • Racial diversity and the Great Culture mix are two other important things that anyone can enjoy in United States.
  • When we talk about United States how can we skip out the entertainment industry especially the movie industry.
  • No 9. Best Country To Live In The World - Belgium

  • Belgium is well known for its production of foods and beverages. It produces nearly 220,000 tons of various chocolates every year. They also make 800 different kinds of beers.
  • best country to live in
  • Belgium is regarded as one of the best countries to take up the clinical studies. So obviously there is no need to say it is having a very good health care industry.
  • After Canada, Belgium is the one which offers high number of new citizenship in the world.  Nearly 1.6 million people i.e., 15% of the population living in Belgium are immigrants.
best country to live in

  • Belgium is the home for Oil paintings. These people are the one who have invented oil painting.
  • High ways and rail roads of Belgium are well known for its density.
  • When it comes to education sector, it provides compulsory education for its all citizens up to the age of 18.

No 10.Best Country To Live In The World-  Canada

  • Canada is regarded as one of the best countries to live in the world because of the measures like high life satisfaction, very low murder rates and wide acceptance of the diversity.

best country to live in


  • Canada provides a good income ladder to its citizens. For example children who born poor to their parents quickly raises their positions.
  • Canada is the country which offers high life satisfaction to its citizens. This is the reason for why it poses minimal number of suicide rates.



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