Monday 7 October 2013

Common 1st Date Mistakes

Common 1st Date Mistakes

If you don’t have a successful first date you can kiss any chance of a second date goodbye. There are some unwritten rules (that shall now be written) on how to behave on a first date. As you both get to know each other better on future dates these rules go out the window and you can be more open with your date. But as far as first dates go, be sure and avoid these costly first date mistakes.
Showing off
If you’re a good catch, they’ll soon figure that out on their own. You don’t need to tell them about all of your past accomplishments. You’ll just appear cocky, arrogant and full of yourself – all negative traits. So yes you can tell them what you do for a living, but don’t tell them how much you make.
Opening up
If your date is genuinely interested in what you have to say and they’re a good listener, don’t get lured into telling them your problems. Remember that your date is not your psychiatrist. Before you know it you may have told them far more than they needed to hear on the first date
Sex on the first date
Do I hear you boo-ing? Well anyways, rarely is sex on the first date a good idea. You should get to know the person better before diving into a sexual encounter. If you have sex on the first date, what will you do on the second date? If you’re saying “Have sex again” then you’re not building a real relationship then, are you? Try to remember that there is a courtship process so don’t jump in the sack too soon or things may be awkward on the next few dates.
Bashing your ex
Guys tend to stick together and girls tend to stick together too. So if you think that talking bad about your ex is going to score you some points, think again. Your date doesn’t know your ex so don’t even talk about them in the first place.
Being too excited
A first date is a quick outing where the two of you get to know each other. If you have a good time with your date then you schedule a second date. That’s all a first date should be. It’s just step one in the long courtship process. If you like your date don’t get too excited and show them how much you like them. This will just make you appear as needy and clingy.
Nobody wants to hear you complain. Everyone has complaints. What is the other person supposed to say about your complaints? It just puts them in an uncomfortable position. Instead, be a positive person with a positive attitude and save the whine for your dinner.
Being indecisive
During a first date there will be many choices. If your date is courteous he/she will ask you what you think or if you have any suggestions. Instead of saying “whatever is fine with me” show that you have some decisiveness and make a choice. It doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong, just pick something. It will show that you care about the direction of your date.


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