Saturday 30 November 2013

TechTips - How to Create a CIF Share on NetApp San

This tutorial will describe how to create a CIF share on a NetApp storage system using the wizard in the FilerView. Storage is always important in any network environment; NetApp has made it relatively simple to create CIF shares on their SAN's using the Filer and their Wizard tool. I will walk you through all of the steps to create CIF Shares from your NetApp SAN and share them to your Windows PC. It's a quick and easy process as long as you know the right steps.
So to create your CIF Share from your NetApp SAN do the following:
Open a Web Browser (IE usually works best)
Type in http://IP_for_filer/na_admin
You might be prompted for username and password (default user name is root and there is no password)
Click on FilerView Icon
It will prompt you for username and password (default user name is root and there is no password)
Now that you are inside of the FilerView you will want to create the CIF, follow these instructions:
Click on Volumes (this will expand its options)
Click on Manage (this will show you all existing CIFS and allow you to add more)
Click Add (the wizard will open)
Click Next
Choose Flexible
Click Next
Name your volume (TEST or whatever you choose)
Choose your language
Click Next
Select the Aggregate you want to put the CIF on (aggr0 was my choice)
Choose volume size (depends on your preference and space available)
Leave Space guarantee
Click Next
Click Commit
Click Close
Now you have setup your CIF you will want to manage the settings of the newly created share:
Click Qtrees
Click Manage
Click the name of the share you just created (TEST in my case)
Set Security Style to NTFS (if already set leave alone)
Click Apply
Now we have created the CIF and set it up the way we want it to be. Now we need to make sure it is shared and we can get to it from our Windows based machine. To do this follow the below instructions:
In the FilerView
Click CIFS
Click Shares
Click Manage
Click Add Share
Create the share (TEST)
Volume path (/vol/TEST)
Fill out Share description, max users and force group with your setup info you choose
Click Add
Now the share should be accessible and we can do a couple of tests to make sure it is. To test via the UNC path do the following:
Click Start
In Start Search type \\IP_Filer\TEST (the name at the end TEST in my case is your share name you created)
Hit Enter
If the share opens then you have created it successfully. You can now map a network drive to this share as a secondary test. To map a network drive to your file share; do the following:
Right Click on My Computer
Click Map Network Drive
Choose drive letter (I choose X: )
In Folder type \\IP_of_Filer\TEST (the name at the end TEST in my case is your share name you created)
Uncheck Reconnect at logon (unless you want the drive to map every time)
Click Finish
The share should open and if you open My Computer you should also see a drive with the letter X: and the Filer IP address listed, you can double click this to open the CIF Share as well. So now you have created a CIF Share via the Filer Wizard and opened the share in Windows.


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