Monday 7 October 2013

Make out, or else make way

Make out, or else make way

In a controlled study on 2 couples where one couple made out regularly whereas the
other couple didn’t, the results achieved were:
1. Couple A who made out regularly had a smother relation.
2. Couple B who didn’t make out had a patchier relation .
The above study was a hypnotically one, but if such a study were to be carried out, the
results would be the same. Making out, in a heterosexual relation (even homosexual) is very important. We are humans, our closest relatives are the chimpanzees. If you hold a male chimp captive without his mate, the chimp, in all circumstances would go berserk. Man is more evolved. So are his needs.
Wait! The above does not mean man is more “sexually activated” than his better half.
Females have needs too, it is just that they are subtle about it!
We ain’t suggesting that you should, jump on a bed or whatever you can find and start making out every time you want a smoother relation. We suggesting that you should be doing the above mentioned, sometimes atleast.
When a couple is making out, they are oblivious to the world around them (
It is a good thing, for you need to shut things out for sometime. The only person with you, while making out, is your partner.
At one point of our lives, all of us have encountered a partner who is shy with his or
her body being explored by the other. Each time when you were alone, didn’t you feel
frustrated at the situation? There was heat, chemistry and electricity between you, but
only you could feel it?
Luckily, all that the shy partner needed was time. But what if that one hand distance
approach lasted forever? You surly would love your better half, but who’s to tell you
won’t look for some foreign action next time you’d get drunk?
On a popular sitcom, the in love couple had a mantra for solving their fights and
arguments: Every time they are close to having a fight or an argument, they would
have sex. This approach is not practical, agreed. But the thought behind it stands true. When a couple is getting intimate, they are getting friendly, cherished and warm with each other.
In reality, if you don’t make out, you won’t loose your partner to a break up. You
would still be happy and would still be living life king size. But if you do make out
with your partner on a regular basis, you can do all the said things with the joy that
only couple intimacy can give.


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